Raphaela v. Steinbach

Raphaela v. Steinbach


Another gem in Baden-Baden

Who is Raphaela V. Steinbach?

Almost exactly ten years ago, Baden-Baden, magnet for the greats of this world, was able to record another big win: Raphaela by. Steinbach, therapist of the oligarchs and royal families, set up her practice in the beautiful Sophienstraße, hidden and modest and yet purposefully placed. While some Baden-Baden residents first had to get used to the unusual name, many were unaware of the prominent person behind this practice.

So who is this dedicated lady with whom all star hotels immediately secured their cooperation?

Almost blind from birth, Raphaela v. Steinbach saw stars in the sky for the first time at the age of 23. Until then, she had to feel her world. This brought with it an incredible sensitivity down to the fingertips and almost predestined the qualified osteopath for her profession.

Through her sincere nature and also through the development of her empathetic and very gentle treatment, Raphaela v. Steinbach a name.

Her philosophy of life is based, among other things, on the teachings of Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of osteopathy.

True to the principle: "Find it, fix it and leave it alone." (AT Still) (meaning: Find the problem, fix it and let it work in peace and the body itself.), She is an advocate of help for self-help.

Steinbach usually releases her patients from therapy after one to three treatments. To the astonishment of those who are used to frequent use. "I'm with my patients to help them, not to bind them to me. My close connection with my patients stems from my deep desire to help and the deep gratitude of someone freed from years of pain.''

She has always been very shy of the camera and the press, but the experienced osteopath is repeatedly spotted with the celebrities of the world. Among them are heads of government, Arab royal families and also artists and actors. There is speculation as to who will make it, v. Steinbach as an integral part of his medical team. So far, she has vehemently refused to commit herself to just one patient.

The passionate human rights activist donates a full seventy percent of her income every year to various children's aid projects, such as school projects in third world countries, education about the harmful effects of Ritalin, the Children's Cancer Foundation or Say No to Drugs.

"My skills are a gift to help people. The big thank you that comes back to me in the form of money does not belong to me alone! And so I pass it on to help our next generation to be able to make the world a little better. My greatest reward is the smile of a pain-free patient or a child who is allowed to go to school.''

You can hear from most of her patients that the healing abilities of the holistic therapist are a godsend. In this context, v. Steinbach, as the daughter of a family of doctors and aristocrats steeped in tradition, is happy to refer to her specialist book, which will soon be available on the open market: ''Five steps to help your patient effectively'', which is aimed primarily at all members of the medical profession.

,, The first step is and always will be: Be genuinely willing to help your patient! If this point is not available and cannot be worked out either, you should send your patient to someone else or change your profession'' demands Jahreiss sternly. "The whole secret is the willingness to help and empathy for the patient. Anyone who fulfills this will always ensure that they are competent!'' This basic concept is followed by her entire practice team and is also the selection criterion for new hires.

Writing is a secret passion of the former competitive athlete, which she pursues on her flights around the world. Her current book: "You have to live with that now! - Doctor's stories'' is a collection of experiences of their patients with the medical system and at the same time criticism of the same and help for those affected. The book is available in free trade and also directly from Praxis Jahreseiss-Steinbach.

When asked what she still wants to achieve in such a successful life, Jahreiss replies in her incomparably friendly manner, with a cheeky smile and as usual direct: ,, I want to make this world a better place! With this goal, I won't run out of work any time soon!"

(Source: Aquensis Verlag)

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